My favorite (and the most challenging) moment from our wedding

Apr 24, 2024

If you don’t already know - I’m now a WIFE 🥰 ✨💍💒 🎉

Matt and I got married about a month ago at a cute little farm in Byron Bay, Australia with some of our closest friends and family to witness it.

One of my favorite moments from the wedding was walking down the aisle and making eye contact with Matt for the first time 🥹🥹🥹

Let me rewind a bit and bring you back to a few moments before that so you can really experience the whole moment with me…

As I walked from the cottage where I got ready, to a small garden gate that shielded me from sight from the guests and Matt, I wiped a tear away from the corner of my eye in an attempt not to cry and ruin my makeup.

My mom, seeing what was happening in that moment, said “Heaven makes no mistakes.”

She knew I was crying at that moment, not from happiness, but because my dad wasn’t there - his visa didn’t get approved in time to make it to Australia and I was grieving the loss of the idea that my dad would get to walk me down the aisle; A moment that I had imagined in my head so many times since I was a little girl.

I shook my head in agreement with what my mom said. I trusted that there had to be a bigger reason he couldn’t be there and that God would work this all out for good even if at this moment, that was supposed to be happy and exciting, I felt this heavy sadness tugging at my heart.

I took a deep breath, knelt down to my sweet nieces who were preparing to go throw their flower petals on the aisle as my flower girls and told them that I loved them.

And suddenly, it was my turn to walk.

I gripped my moms arm tightly as we turned the corner and I took my first steps towards where everyone sat for the wedding ceremony.

For a moment, all I heard was the gravel crunching between my little flats and my mom repeating, “heaven makes no mistakes.” 

And then I saw Matt.

All the sadness I felt just moments before disappeared in that instant and all I could feel was love.

Love from our friends and families' smiles beaming towards me.

Love within my own heart, bursting with joy that I'm marrying this incredible man who I love so much.

And the love in Matt’s eyes. His awe, devotion, excitement, and tenderness - I could see and feel it all.

An unexpected sob escaped my lips at the overflow of emotion & I quickly giggled with embarrassment at the sudden outburst as everyone was staring at me.

I took a deep breath as I settled back into myself and approached Matt to begin the ceremony. I knew that this was one of the most special moments of my life.


I teared up writing that, it’s so sweet to be taken back to those intimate moments. I hope you felt like you could see it with me.

I feel so lucky and beyond blessed to be married to Matt. I'm so excited to have our whole lives ahead of us.

Thank you for being a part of our story.

I love you guys so much.

Talk soon,

Kelley 🥰 ➡️ Cama ⬅️ 🥰

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